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 Betreff des Beitrags: 60er T1 20 Mann - Froststurm
 Beitrag Verfasst: Fr 10. Jun 2016, 21:08 

Registriert: Fr 10. Jun 2016, 20:49
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Knowing is half the battle, so here are the strats everyone can find on RiftScene (given proper motivation). I've just made it even easier for you by posting them all together here. I'll try to follow this with a post of videos that show the fights for those who learn better by seeing. So, with two covered (those who learn by reading and those who learn by seeing) we only have one group left: those who learn by doing. Those who learn by doing, however, can still benefit from knowing a few things in advance which can be found below.

Entrance: Morban 14300, 7344


German Video Guide:

General Introduction:
Gelidra is the 1st boss in Frozen Tempest which is a 2 phase fight that alternates between the two phases. For the first 40 seconds, Phase 1, you fight her until she switches to Phase 2. In order to return to Phase 1 you need to kill the Shrouding Vortex. After the first switch from Phase 1 to Phase 2 she will do it every minute throughout the fight.

Raid Make Up:

2 Tanks (Cleric Tank beneficial)
4 Healers (Must have Purifier for Sterilize and all healers should have capable ST or AOE)
2 Support (Bard and Archon)
12 DPS (Minimum 5 Ranged, for downing the birds, otherwise melee or ranged DPS)
Gelidra – 34.0 Million HP
Phase 1: Burn Phase

Frozen Talon - 8.5k per tick DOT which lasts for 6 seconds on the tank.
Lacerating Cascade - Must be shared by 2 tanks as it hits for 60k damage.
Conductive Armor - Debuff that is applied to the tank and causes them to take increased damage from Gelidra’s attack, lasting 30 seconds. Tank swap to deal with this mechanic.
Thundering Conjuration - 2 Vortexes are summoned, after a 2.5 second cast, and move about the room dealing 7k damage to anyone standing in it.
Winter’s Gale - 3 Ice Pillars are summoned, after a 2.5 second cast, around which circles appear on the ground. Anyone standing in the circle will die.

Main priority in this phase is to burn the boss as much as possible as you’re limited by a 40 second window, before the first switch, to DPS her. Once you get her back from Phase 2 to Phase 1, and every time after that, you will have 1 minute to DPS her before she switches again.

You will be aiming to get her down to 80% at the end of the first phase, then down by another 25-30% every time she switches to Phase 1. This gives you enough time to down 3 Phase 2′s and be able to DPS for 4 Phase 1′s before she enrages.

Position Gelidra to the edge of the room and have the raid behind her stacked up. Raid needs to be ready to move in case of things spawning on top of them.

Tank damage is known to be spiky and it is not uncommon for a Raid group to lose a tank, when this happens CD the second tank and combat rez the dead one. The CD’s are necessary in order to prepare for Lacerating Cascade on the single tank. It is important to keep in mind that when the off-tank is afflicted by the Conductive Armor debuff Lacerating Cascade will cause more damage so remember to keep him up.

Phase 2: Add Phase

2 Galvanic Stormbird, with 1.2M HP each, spawn randomly around the room. They each have proximity based aggro so it’s a good idea to have 1 tank positioned under each one to prevent the main group getting aggro. They have an ability which behaves similarly to a chain lightning spell called Arcbound Storm and coupled with Wrath of the Storm it’s likely a few players may die.
Arcbound Storm – chain lightning spell made more powerful by Wrath of the Storms.
9 Iceborn Riptalons spawn in Phase 2 with 343K health each and apply a stacking debuff on the tank which increases the damage they take. Dispelling via single target dispells is inefficient because it stacks so fast; this is where you will utilize Sterilize from the Purifier tree and use it first at 12-14 stacks then again whenever it is off CD.
Shrouding Vortex has 2.1M health and it is essential you keep it away from the Iceborn Riptalons. Cyclonic Destruction has a 3 second cast time and must be interrupted. Once the Shrouding Vortex is killed Phase 1 is triggered.

To begin have the Iceborn Riptalons picked up by the Cleric tank and then get him to stand under one Galvanic Stormbird. At the same time the other tank will aggro the Shrouding Vortex and go stand under the second Galvanic Stormbird. Have the ranged players focusing on killing the birds while the melee will be attacking the Shrouding Vortex.

Ensure max DPS is being pumped out to the birds in order to free up the tanks movement; the tanks must remain under the birds while they are up to prevent raid deaths. The Shrouding Vortex will be the next focus for DPS once the birds have been killed. Sterilize the Cleric tank to remove the debuffs, after the Iceborn Riptalons are dead, then he can move so he’s in front of the boss to share the Lacerating Cascade. If this occurs before the Cleric tank can share the damage, CD the tank that is alone in front of the boss and keep him alive.

In most cases, for progression, this will be done 3 times. Although if you have high enough DPS it can be done in less phases.

Artifex Zaviel

German Video Guide:

General Information:
Zaviel is the second boss within Frozen Tempest that you will engage, and inevitably, defeat through mastery of speed and manipulation of Orbs he commands.

Raid Make Up
2 Tanks
4 Healers (AOE Healers)
2 Support (Bard and Archon)
12 DPS (Mix of Ranged and Melee)
Artifex Zaviel – 39.5 Million HP
Phase 1 – Sphere of Repair

(Unknown – Stacking Buff) - A buff applied to the boss every 20 seconds which will increase her damage dealt by 5% per stack. In order for this buff to be removed both tanks must stand inside the purple area underneath the boss for the duration of the fight. Melee players must stand at maximum melee range in order to avoid dying within the purple area.
Dissonant Vitality - Debuff that is placed on the tank, reduces maximum HP per stack, tanks should swap when it reaches 3 stacks for ideal HP values. Lasts 30 seconds.
Energy Conduit - 3 second debuff that is placed onto the tank after a 1 second cast. 8K damage is dealt to the tank if it reaches 0, then it will spread to 2 other players. Dispell the debuff as soon as it lands by monitoring her casts.
Skewer - Hitting for 25k to 35k after a 2 second cast, the damage of this attack is based on the number of stacks of Dissonant Vitality that are on the boss. This is the only significant amount of damage the tank will be taking.
Arc Weld - A beam joins 2 players which deals 3.5k damage per second, have the players run away from each other to break the beam.
Ion Destruction - Once all 4 Power Conducers are down and a 2 second cast she will deal AOE damage based on her energy %.
Photovoltaic Eruption – While the Power Conducers are active the entire raid is hit by AOE for 7-9k every 2 seconds.
4 Power Conducers spawn, with 857k HP each, every minute. These conducers power the boss up through orange lanes that appear on the ground (Arc Cutter see below). It is important to DPS these down ASAP due to once they are killed or once she reaches 100% energy she will cast Ion Destruction. The damage dealt by Ion Destruction is based on the amount of energy she gains.
Yellow circles begin travelling along the orange lanes called Arc Cutter that appear on the ground which are used to feed the boss with energy. Players hit by these circles will be dealt 6k damage.

Beginning at 100%, and ending at 50%, the most important element of this stage is to ensure the Sphere of Repair is interrupted to stop the boss from healing and to DPS the Power Conducers as fast as you can.

Immediately after you begin the encounter there are 4 orbs that spawn under her wings, 2 blue and 2 red. The red orbs are named Sphere of Deconstruction dealing 7k damage to a randomly select player. It is up to your discretion to either ignore them or interrupt them; if you interrupt you will need a dedicated interrupter for each due to them being immune to mass silence. The second spell they cast is Clinging Plasma, a debuff which stacks to increase the amount of air damage taken.

The 2 blue orbs are named Sphere of Repair, the purpose of the orbs is to heal the boss. You will have to assign ranged interrupters, 1 for each of the spheres, in order to reduce her from healing a lot. For a point of reference, if you ignore this mechanic the boss will only get down to 50% HP when the enrage timer expires.

Position the boss in the middle of the room and keep her there while ensuring melee players stay at max range to reduce raid frustration due to avoidable deaths. Everyone else should be stacked up and make sure the group is not situated between the boss and a Power Conducer. When they spawn, move as a group to down all of the Power Conducers and don’t forget to get AOE healing.

You are required to get her under 50% in no more than 2 Power Conducer phases; with a geared raid you can push her into Phase 2 after 1 Power Conducer phase.

Phase 2 – Run while you can!

Ensnaring Jolt - following the emote “Run while you can!”, and a 2 second cast, the boss will gain a buff that will place a stacking dot on any player that is not moving. It deals between 2k and 7.5k, depending on the number of stacks on the player.
900 Gigahertz - 2 red orbs will be rotating clockwise on the outer edge of the room and from them, every 40 seconds, waves will manifest. If the waves hit a player they will take 5.5k damage, initially, followed by 6.5k damage per second for 8 seconds.

×Remember all of the abilities used in Phase 1 remain active in Phase 2.
When she reaches 50% she will begin transitioning into Phase 2, continue to DPS while she role-plays and throws orbs around. You should be able to take off another 8-10% HP before Phase 2 actually engages.

Pay attention to where the blue orbs get thrown and be prepared to move away from the blue beam which will form between the two blue orbs on either side of the room. The orbs begin rotating counterclockwise so the beam will spin and remember it is a one shot killer, that includes tanks.

Even though she throws the orbs away from her the blue Spheres of Repair continue to heal the boss so don’t forget about interrupting them.

The red orbs emit waves every 40 seconds throughout the rest of the fight, keep on eye out for them.

Once the beam is active have the boss moved to the edge of the room as close to one of the blue orbs as you can. Have the tank face the boss with his back to the blue orb and backpedal as the beam rotates around. The grouped up raid will stand behind the boss in the available space.

The most important thing to remember in this phase is to move when Ensnaring Jolt is cast, so have someone call it out when they see it being cast. It is similar to Alsbeth’s old running mechanic (except that it’s on the entire raid and not one player). When Ensnaring Jolt is cast (she also does an emote, where she yells,”Run while you can for it), you must remain moving or else you will take heavy damage, just be sure to be aware of the waves while running and to not be hit by them. Waves need to be avoided; this is accomplished by watching the red orbs and standing in front of or behind the orb and never stand between two red orbs when they’re across the room from each other. Before running in front of an approaching red orb ensure there’s enough room between the red orb and the boss.

Kolmsasveli and Toinenveli

German Video Guide:

General Information:
Kolmsasveli and Toinenveli are the third Boss encounter you will engage within Frozen Tempest and you will attribute some of their peculiarity to King Molnar and Prince Dollin.

Suggested Raid Composition (if using 2 tanks on each twin and splitting sides):
4 Tanks
1 Defiler, 2 Chloros, 1-2 Wardens
2 Support (Archon and Bard)
9-10 DPS
Kolmsasveli and Toinenveli – 35.6 Million HP
Main Abilities:

Devestating Shock – hits 10 players after a 1.5 second cast which deals 6k initial damage and ticks for 4k each second over 6 seconds. This is being cast randomly by both giants and is invisible at the moment so in order to dispell it you must watch to see where they land.
Kolmsasveli’s Ire - Tank swap mechanic, if not swapped in 6s, the tank will be near 1 shot. Note: This CAN be blocked/dodged/parried and it will have no effect.
Toinenveli’s Ire - Tank swap mechanic, if not swapped in 6s, the tank will be near 1 shot. Note: This CAN be blocked/dodged/parried and it will have no effect.
Gut Rip - Debuff placed on the tank which lasts for 10 seconds ticking for 6k per second.
Glimpse of Infinity - Channeled for 7 seconds, when this happens everyone has to LOS the casting giant by moving behind a pillar. It is first cast by Toinenveli once he is below 50%. After 1 min Kolmsasveli will cast it, this repeats until HP is at 10%.
(unknown) – red patches on ground which if anyone stands in one has 3 seconds to move out of them before they start receiving damage. These patches will be ticking at 12k damage per second.
(unknown) – red areas on the ground will alternate between blue and then red and deals around 4k damage. This mechanic is inconsequential don’t worry about it.
Energy Vortex - 1 wisp with a glowing yellow circle sourrounding it will spawn in the middle of the room at 30%. This wisp begins a 10 second cast which, if left to finish, will wipe the raid. 2 people must enter the circle and use the ability they gain on the wisp. You need 6 people (3 pairs of 2) to deal with this mechanic because when you use the gained ability a 60 second debuff is applied to you which prevents you from using the ability. If your raid DPS is high enough, you can assign only four people (2 pairs of 2), but it might be a good idea to assign a third group for a “just in case” moment. Make sure to assign this task to your most reliable raid members, as if they fail, your raid wipes.
Sparkling Eruption - A debuffed placed a random player which will cause an explosion around the player, this is also emoted. This occurs once the bosses are under 15% and the player emoted just has to get away from other players.


At the beginning of the fight there will be yellow and blue areas around the pillars which will give the giants stacking buffs. Yellow buff will increase the damage output of the giant while the blue buff increases the damage they take. Throughout the fight the giants need to be moved from one pillar to the next to drop the stacks.

The most important part of this fight is pay attention to their HP’s, there can be no more than 5% difference between their health, in order words, they have to die at approximately the same time. Ensure the dps in the two raid groups you will have have comparable dps.

When you first pull the giants it is necessary to separate the two otherwise they gain a massive damage increase. Split the raid in two and have each group go after one of the giants while keeping the middle of the room clear in order to reduce the chances of AOE landing on those dealing with the wisp.

Have 2 tanks, 3 healers and 3 DPS goto each side of the room with the bard and archon standing in the middle so they’re buffs reach both sides.

The giants should be tanked on the outer edges of the pillars and be moved from one pillar to the other in order to keep their stacks low. In order to deal with Kolmsasveli’s Ire and Toinenveli’s Ire the tanks must swap when this is being cast. The remaining members of the raid should be positioned so they’re away from the middle but not in between the two pillars.

×BE AWARE: If you are standing near the wall you may be prone to falling through the floor.
When you see the emote “[Giant Name] will disintegrate all he beholds!” this is the LOS ability, Glimpse of Infinity, Toinenveli will cast first once he is below 50%. In order to avoid this mechanic you have to hide behind a pillar out of line of sight from the casting giant. After 60 seconds from the first time its cast, Kolmsasveli will cast it.

Once they reach 30% is when the Energy Vortex will begin to spawn, which is when the paired teams have to be ready to stop it from finishing its cast. In case of a pair member dying you may consider having a designated backup pair.

A note on this fight, it can be 2 tanked, it just requires 100% perfection from the tanks. The timing of the tank debuffs are synchronized very closely and you can call out a tank swap when only one tank receives it and safely swap between both of them. When you tank swap, run towards each other (near the middle), and taunt the other boss, they will gain a 4 second damage increase so have the tank pop a small mitigation cooldown on themself to help out a bit.

Crucia Guide

German Video Guide:

General Introduction:
Crucia is the final boss in Frozen Tempest. It’s essentially a 3 phase fight, with the final phase contaning 3 different sections. It will test almost all aspects of your raid. It requires a fair amount of DPS, very solid healing and great raid awareness with a strong sense of personal responsibility.

It’s a very mechanic filled fight – so I’d recommend going through each phase one step at a time rather than trying to absorb all of the information at once.

Raid Make Up:
2 Tanks
5-6 Healers (Defiler, Puri, two chloros, warden and possibly another healer of your choice)
2 Support
10-11 DPS
Note: If you have issues getting through orbital strike, you can always add an extra healer as since post-nerf the enrage timer won’t be an issue. That said – less DPS will make the sub-30% phase of the fight last that much longer and that’s where most raids tend to fall apart on this fight.

Phase 1: Assault Frames

Combined Assault – if the two Assault Frames are near eachother – they get a damage buff called Combined Assault. As such they need to be tanked apart.
Tempest Wrath – A random debuff cast on a player. During this time the player will turn into a Vortex (like the Gangnum) and do AOE damage to the surround players. When this is on you, simply run away from the raid.
Shocking Pulse – needs to be be interrupted by the tanks. Does large amounts of AOE to the raid.

The strategy is fairly basic for this particular phase. We pull one Assault Frame to the left and one Assault Frame to the right. We start off by killing the Assault Frame – we’ll call this the ‘first’ one. Everyone starts DPS’ing down the first Assault Frame and as you reach 66% it will get a shield that makes it immune. Leave the second Assault Frame alone as you can’t have that one reach 66% and have two shields pop up at the same time.

This is where the Refactored Constructs come into play: They don’t do much damage but they do lay down an AOE that reduces the tanks toughness to 0 and as such the tanks can’t be near them. Also, it’s important to keep them alive throughout the fight until you need to kill them to clear off the immunity from the Assault Frame. Once the shield of immunity comes up on the first Assault Frame – dps down two of the Refactored Constructs and it will remove the immunity from the first Assault Frame. Then continue DPS’ing the Assault Frame until 33% and then do the same thing – kill two of the Refactored Constructs. DPS the first Assault Frame to dead, and all DPS can switch to the second Assault Frame.

When the first Assault Frame dies – a player needs to get into it. This is extremely key to the fight as this person can make or break it for your entire raid. When the player gets into the Assault Frame they have to ensure they’re using default Rift Action Bar as their primary Action Bar will change to new abilities:


1. Drain – 2. Cleanse – 3. Purge – 4. Suppress - 5 Jump - 6 Interrupt

The person who jumps into the Assault Frame now has the following responsibilities:

In between all actions Crucia should constantly be drained using ability 1 (Drain). The Archon can help when/if required with Mana Wrench .
They can cleanse the immunity debuff from the second Assault Frame using 3 (purge).
When a player is negated – they can cleanse the negation using 2 (cleanse).
You’ll see Crucia Emote: “The air trembles before me! A Storm is born!” This is infinity storm. The Assault Frame player must jump (5) while having Crucia targeted and interrupt it with ability 6 (interrupt). The timing has to be fairly spot on otherwise the levitate may bug and not fly you high enough, or you may miss the interrupt.
In Phase 2 when Stormcore Annihilator comes out – the Assault Frame player is responsible for Suppressing the bomb with suppress (2).

So you’ll have your Assault Frame player clear off the shields and then kill the Assault Frame easily enough. Now comes phase 2 – but ensure no one is standing in the middle of the room or they will get owned by Stormcore Annhiilator :)

Phase 2: Stormcore Annihilator
This robot is very similar to Assault Frames with some key new mechanics added to the fight:

Infinity Storm – Crucia emotes: ”The air trembles before me! A Storm is born!”. The Assault Frame player must be aware and ready to interrupt this as mentioned above.
Players get negated which removes their mana/energy/etc and will not let them generate more until the debuff wears off or until it is cleansed by the Assualt Frame.
A bomb is summoned. It can not be killed and will detonate in 20 seconds from the time it’s summon. It seems to follow a random player – but if your tank is on the ball he can touch it first and it usually will follow him.
As soon as the bomb comes out (actually slightly before it) you’ll see a section of the room start pulsing red – this is where the cannon is going to be summon to. Everyone has to be ready for this to be summoned since it’s the key to getting the bomb destroyed and the raid not wiping. The cannon can easily be interrupted using an Archon’s Arresting Presence - or you cna have a rotation on it – but you really should use Arresting Presence . When the cannon dies – so long as the bomb is near it, it will defuse and you’ll continue on.
Tanks will get a debuff from Stormcore Annihilator called “Conductive Armor” – this is the tank swap mechanic.
You can probably get the majority of the strategy from the details above – but it’s fairly basic so I’ll reiterate it here:

Stormcore Annihilator is tanked in the center of the room. If you’re targeted by Devastated Shock – you want to run away from the raid as you’ll drop a yellow circle on the ground that ticks for a lot of damage. The Assault Frame player still needs to be aware and cleanse the immunity from Stormcore Annihilator at 66% and 33%. The Asssault Frame player also needs to punch Crucia in the face when it’s required, cleanse negated folks as well as suppress the bomb when it starts otherwise it hits like a truck with AOE.

A red pulsing light will happen where a Cannon is about to spawn – all players should run there and ensure the bomb is nearby – it gets burned down, the bomb is defused. If your DPS is high – you’ll only have one bomb phase, otherwise you should never really see more than two.

This phase shouldn’t take you too long to learn – let’s move on to phase 3.

Phase 3: Crucia
Part 1: Orbital Strike / Transition Phase.

You’re going to all stand at the bridge and run together – you only have a certain amount of time to get to Crucia before the bridge despawns so leave no man behind! Keep in mind the enrage timer (not very relevant post-nerf) is ticking during this time so try not to doddle.

You’ll all run up together and the tank should get in first. Crucia will spawn and the tank should pick her up. No one should touch the damn dragon until the boss is in position. Unless you want her to turn and cleave the raid :)

Crucia has these abilities during this phase:

Orbital Strike – Cast every 40 seconds. Two orbs spawn on the platform – one of them which is going around the outer circle and one is going on the inside circle. The raid must stand stacked behidn crucia on the outer platform since the orbit of the outer circle takes much longer and therefor less ticks of damage to the raid. This is your raids HPS check – it ticks about 5.6 -6 k per player and requires a massive amount of raid healing and excellent timing of cooldowns to survive.
Lightning Breath – 20K damage per tick, for 3 seconds – every 15 seconds. Really messed up the tanks if they’re not being constantly healed.
Conductive Armor – Tank swap mechanism. Every 30 seconds and swap must happen within the first 2-3 seconds of this debuff being cast on them.
Negate – same negate as the previous phase, the assault frame needs to be on the ball
The strategy is basic in theory – but hard in practice. It requires an immense amount of healing and impeccable use of cooldowns. The tanks swap on Conductive Armor – healers heal through lightning breath (A tank healing chloro with synth should have no issues healing a tank through this with even an unmodified void life so long as the defiler links are up). When Orbital Strike is cast – you rotate in any healing cooldown you can for as much raid healing as possible. Ensure the raid is shielded and ready to get healed up to full. If your DPS is on par – you should see two Orbital Strikes and then we move into the next part – the Add phase. When Crucia reaches 60% she’ll fly up in to the air. Keep in mind the Assault Frame player as well as the Archon should ensure that Crucia is drained of all of her mana before going into the next phase (at 60%):

Part 2: Add Phase

Note: This has been nerfed significantly since Crucia’s release

Noteworthy Mechanics:

Stormblade Construct – Adds that spawn in a circle on the outer rim of the platform. They don’t do a whole lot of damage – so anyone who can pull them in to the middle should. They need to be burned down within 22 seconds or they will wipe the raid. We typically toss up a Wild Growth during this phase.
Tempest Elemental - An elemental that spawns on the outer edge of the room (random side). It needs to be killed fairly soon as it drops a green circle on the ground when it dies that protects you from the damage that Crucia is doing. You want your Archon to do Arresting Presence on this Tempest as he can chain lightning and kill the raid.
Ranged Attack – Crucia targets a spot on the ground and does an amount of damage based on the amount of mana she has currently.

Since the nerf – this is a very easy phase. You run to the middle immediately after Crucia flies up. Pull all of the adds to the middle and burn them down. Run to the tempest elemental when he spawns and burn him down. Stack on green. Stay in green until Crucia lands – the tank will position accordingly. This takes us into the next part of crucia:

Part 3: Crucia – sub 60%

Noteworthy Mechanics:

Tempest Fury – Everyone (except for the active tank) has to turn away from Crucia during this cast (like Gangnum). At the end of the cast if you’re not turned away from her – you will be blinded and only break free will get you out of it. This can be extremely dangerous sub-30%.
Coolant – Debuff that is cast on a player that picks them up and stuns them in place. Needs to be cleansed immediately.
Lightning Rod – A player will get a yellow bubble placed around them. They immediately need to run to the back of the room – place a bubble. Run out of it – place another bubble. Run out of that and place a third bubble. You place 3 bubbles in total and you have to ensure you run out of the bubble as soon as it’s dropped so not to take any unnecessary damage.
Lightning Breath – Same mechanic as Part 1 of Crucia. Does a ton of damage to the tank (20k per tick) and needs to be healed.
Blessing of the Storm Queen – Tank gets a debuff and tank swap needs to happen. Shortly after this debuff is cast the tank with the debuff will become mind controlled. He needs to be DPS’d down fast to break out of the mind control. This has to happen quickly so the tank is available to pick up Crucia when the other tank gets debuffed.
Red AOE Circles are placed on the ground (I believe the damage is called storm of pain) which tick for about 5-6k per hit. You need to move out of these immediately.
This phase isn’t too terrible difficult – unless everything isn’t executed properly, then it can get very messy very fast.

Essentially – the tanks need to swap, the DPS have to break the mind controlled tanks out, lightning rods need to be dropped in the back of the room away from everyone, Coolant needs to be cleansed immediately, and no one can get stunned by Tempest Fury. That’s all there is to this phase. Read the mechanics listed above to get a better understanding of how they work – but it really isn’t going to be that difficult to make it through. This is where it gets hard:

Part 3: Crucia – sub 30%

Everything stays the same as the last phase with one added problem: Lasers (or Wisps – depending who you ask). They follow a very specific pattern – though in the chaos of learning a fight it’s very hard to catch on to what the pattern is at first. If you get hit by a Wisp it’s essentially a two shot death. If you happen to run through two overlapping Wisps – it’s instant death.

Based on my personal observations – as well as some videos just to make sure – I believe this is the pattern that the wisps follow:

So you’ll see that obviously the “safer” points are on the outside – but you have to be aware of lightning rods and where they’re being dropped. If you can stay out of the Wisps path and execute this phase exactly how you executed sub 60% – Crucia will easily die.

Achievement Guide

This guide covers Frozen Tempest, however depending on the achievement there will be a split in the tactics. I'll explain the first two bosses then the Hard Modes that come with them. This is because doing HM Gelidra + Birds of a Feather or HM Zaviel + A Dance For Twenty doesn't work any better than Regulos with Four on the Floor + What Do We Say to The God of Death? at the same time, it's really bad.

Raid Composition: (For entire instance.)

2 Tanks (Anything works if they just don't suck.)

2 Healers (1 Purifier and 1 Liberator. Add a Chloro for HM Gelidra.)

1 Oracle/Bard (Preferably Oracle.)

1 Archon (Preferably Harbchon.)

14 Single-Target DPS (Melee or Ranged, doesn't matter too much.)


Nuke down to 30% then wait around till six Galvantic Stormbirds spawn. It is ideal that everybody stacks in the center of the room.

Galvantic Stormbird: Don't DPS these at all, assign only one person to burn each one down to 10% and when six are up, signal everyone to nuke.

Swirling Vortex + Lashers: As usual, nuke these as soon as they spawn.

Stormbound Vapors: Balls of lightning circling around the room, if you still need Electric Slide just dodge these.

Once six Birds are down within 6 seconds (So 5.99 seconds or less.) you can feel free to nuke the boss and you're done.

HM Gelidra

Everybody needs to switch to an AoE spec here and as mentioned before, add a Chloro for more Heals as this hurts quite a bit. Start the fight by ignoring Gelidra and nuking Amrian out of his crystal.

Positioning: You can essentially dodge all the AoE if everyone spreads out in a circle around the center of the room, preferably an inner circle and an outer circle since you can't fit 20 people in one circle. Tanks should be in the middle with Amrian and Gelidra each.

Amrian + Gelidra: You essentially nuke them down together like the third boss Twins, just keep their HP balanced till the end. If their HP goes beyond 5% apart, Amrian will enrage and wipe the raid. During Bird Phases you should stop all DPS on Amrian as Gelidra is immune, nuke the Vortex (Can ignore Birds and Lashers.) then switch back to Amrian/Gelidra. You should only be getting one Bird Phase if the DPS doesn't suck.


This is a dummy parse, you don't need a Tank and you only need the Liberator to heal. You could remove the Liberator too, but people will start dying in the last 30% I guess. It's also essential everybody stacks together perfectly.

Tempest Wrath: You should be able to nuke Gangnum quick enough to only get one of these. Whoever is turned into a Vortex moves out of the raid, done.


There are no important mechanics here. Switch the Purifier to DPS, the Liberator can solo heal this. Just nuke the boss down while ignoring the Spheres (But interrupt them.) and the idol. If your DPS doesn't suck you should be able to avoid any Conducer Phases and probably nuke through most of Phase 2 before it's activated. Congratulations, you just wrecked Zaviel.

HM Zaviel

Same as above, but no chance of getting A Dance For Twenty unless your raid is fabulous at dodging and have great DPS. Oh and there's more red to avoid standing in, enjoy.

Kolmasveli and Toinenveli

Change one Tank to a DPS and have the other one pull them between the circles on the ground to maintain the number of stacks to a bare minimum of 2 or less to maximise DPS. Save your major cooldowns for the last 10% to skip the bomb phase. The way I usually do it is if only 2-3 people need the Personal Achievement, I let them jump off and die. If there's more than that like say half a raid, they need to learn basic mechanics and do it themselves.


This boss mainly relies on your burst DPS, so think about taking it seriously because we need A LOT of burst.

Phase 1: Don't use any Cooldowns whatsoever, just nuke the Tempest Assault Frames and the Constructs as necessary.

Phase 2: Avoid using cooldowns, whoever is in the mech needs to purge the Stormcore Annihilator really well, you have plenty of time before Infinite Storm so yeah. Everyone else should be nuking the Annihilator down and hopefully finishing it off before the cannon phase, otherwise the Exploding Tempest radiates Proximity Shock and it might just spawn right next to someone.

Phase 3: You should by now have crossed the bridge without falling off, in which case your Infinite Perfection is secured. Now, you need to nuke the boss with all your cooldowns and get her to 60% before Orbital begins. If you managed that then your Suppressed Anger is secured now too. Just follow the remaining bits with the Robots, Vortex and Crucia. Once Crucia is dead, you're done. If you followed this correctly you should have 11/11 Conqueror in one run, if you did HMs then expect AT LEAST 9/11.

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Achievement Guide

Raid Zusammenstellung:

2 Tanks

2 Healers (1 Purifier and 1 Liberator. Später zusätzlich 1 Chloro für HM Gelidra.)

1 Oracle/Bard (Besser: Oracle.)

1 Archon (Besser: Harbchon.)

14 Single-Target DPS (Melee oder Ranged)


Nuken bis 30% dann warten bis 6 Galvanischer Sturmvögel spawnen. Alle stehen in der Mitte des Raums.

Galvanischer Sturmvogel: KEIN DPS darauf, 1 Spieler bringt diese auf 10%. dann 6 Spieler die eingeteilt sind targeten ihren Vogel und nuken diesen auf Ansage down.

Wirbelvortex + Peitscher: Umhauen nach dem spawn.

Sturmgebundenen Dämpfe: Blitzkugeln fliegen durch den Raum, für "Elektrische Schussfahrt" diesen ausweichen.

Nachdem die Vögel gestorben sind Boss umhauen.

HM Gelidra

Alle gehen auf AOE, 1 Chloro für mehr Heilung. Amrian zuerst aus dem Kristall schlagen.

Aufstellung: Um allen AE´s auszuweichen stellt sich der Raid im Kreis um die Mitte auf. Bei vielen Spielern 2 Kreise. Ein innerer und ein äußerer Kreis. Jeder Tank schnappt sich einen Boss und beide stehen in der Mitte nebeneinander.

Amrian + Gelidra: Gleichzeitig herunterhauen sobald die Bosse richtig stehen. Bei 5% HP Unterschied geht Amrian in den Enrage und wiped den Raid. Während der Vogel Phase kein DMG auf die Bosse - sie sind immun. Den Vortex focusen - restliche adds ignorieren und danach weiter DMG auf die Bosse.


1 Liberator zum Heilen - kein Tank. Alle Stehen ineinander!

Sturmherr-Zorn: Wer in den Wirbel kommt läuft aus dem Raid raus.


Purifier wechselt auf DPS, Liberator ist der einzigste Heiler. Nur den Boss nuken 2 Spieler müssen die blauen kugeln (/tar Zeta und /tar Iota) unterbrechen. Mit genügend DPS wird die Energiekatalysator Phase übersprungen bevor diese aktiviert werden.

HM Zaviel

Den linken Steuerungsmechanismus der Sturmmaschine umhauen. Dadurch HM aktiviert.

Ansonsten das gleiche wie zuvor ausser mehr rote Flächen aus den herausgelaufen werden muss.

Kolmasveli and Toinenveli

Ein Tank geht auf DPS. Der andere Tank pullt die Bosse zwischen den Kreisen auf dem Boden um die Stacks auf max 2 zu reduzieren. Cooldowns für die letzten 10% aufheben um die Bombenphase zu überspringen. Für den persönlichen Erfolg können max 2-3 Spieler von der Plattform springen und sterben.


Hier wird sehr viel Burst DPS benötigt.

Phase 1: KEINE Cooldowns benutzen, Sturmherr-Sturmrüstung und Konstrukte töten. Keiner steht in der Mitte. Links zuerst umhauen.

Einer nimmt den Roboter der stirbt und purged mit Taste 3 den anderen Roboter der bei 33 und 66% Immun wird

Phase 2: Cooldowns vermeiden, der Spieler im Roboter muss den Sturmkern-Auslöscher bei 33 und 66% purgen (Taste 3), es ist genug Zeit bevor Crucias Sturm der Unendlichkeit durchgecastet ist (20 Sek). Alle Focusen den Sturmkern-Auslöscher bevor die Kanonenphase beginnt. Ansonsten zur Kanone laufen und dadurch die Bombe entschärfen. Dann Kanone umhauen.

Phase 3: Anschliessend über die Brücke nach oben (Springen nicht vergessen). Mit allen Cooldowns Boss schnell auf 60% bringen bevor Crucia Orbitalangriff castet. Crucia hebt ab. Alle laufen in die Mitte und ziehen die adds zusammen und hauen sie um. Danach spawnt ein Sturm an den alle ranlaufen und ihn umhauen. Ein Spieler bekommt 2 reaktive Fähigkeiten. Dieser nimmt Crucia ins Ziel und drückt nacheinander beide Fähigkeiten. Wenn sie wieder landet Dmg auf Crucia. Der Tank dreht sie aus dem Raid raus. Bei 30% steht kein Spieler mehr am Rand. Dort spawnen rote Voids die vom Rand der Plattform an der Mitte vorbei zur anderen Seite wandern - diesen Ausweichen. Zusätzlich aus allen roten Bodenflächen herauslaufen. Ein Spieler bekommt eine gelbe Void die er am Rand ablegt. Es muss auch immer dispellt werden.

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