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2x Tanks
2x ST Heal - (Läuterer und Chloro)
3x GRP - (Chloro / Bewahrer / Befreier)
2x Support (Barde oder Oracle & PyroChont)
10x Range DD - !!! Purge !!!

Erste Phase

Fünf Bosse - getankt am inneren Kreis
Einer wird rausgefischt - wird aussen getankt
(1) Juntun -> (2) Ebassi -> (3) Arebus -> (4) Rhu’Megar + (5) Progenitor Saetos - Markierung setzen
Ganze Raidgruppe rotiert im Uhrzeigersinn


Arebus bekommt Schild, wird angesagt, jeglichers Schaden auf Arebus
Makro: tar Arebus oder Fokusziel verwenden.
Sobald Schild down muss cast unterbrochen werden (Tank Aufgabe)

nach folgender Priorität wird sich bewegt

lila runde AoE Fläche, sofort raus, Fläche vergrößert sich, macht viel Schaden
Gruppe kuschelt: Ein Spieler erhält rote AoE Fläche. Alle Spieler rein, Schaden wird aufgeteilt. Kann gereinigt werden
lila eckige AoE Fläche (Straße), keine Panik, reduziert erhaltene Heilung & verursachten Schaden

Sobald die ersten drei ins Jenseits geschickt wurden folgt Phase zwei.

Bewegung / Rotation bleibt die gleiche
Beide Tanks gehen in den inneren Kreis
Raidgruppe hält sich leicht versetzt zum Boss auf
Beide müssen gleichzeitig Schaden erhalten.
DD Gruppe drei macht Schaden auf Ziel 4
DD Gruppe vier macht Schaden auf Ziel 5
Supporter und erster der jeweiligen Gruppe gleichen aus.

Alle Fähigkeiten von Phase eins bleiben erhalten


Neue Fähigkeit kommt dazu.
zweite lila AoE Fläche um Saetos / gleiche Mechanik & Optik wie zweiter Boss aus dem Empyreum Kern.
Alle müssen innerhalb von 4 Sekunden rein



Gleiche Zusammenstellung wie bei Saetos

erste Phase (Trash)


Kein AoE Schaden
Nach fünf toten Spielern, Enrage
Range DDs sollten bevorzugt werden


Beide Trash Gruppen werden von den Tanks gepullt. (einmal links und einmal rechts)
Rechte Gruppe wird ignoriert
Tank muss den Cast kicken

Schaden auf Ziel 1 (Gruppe links)
Bis 30% HP, danach Damage Stop
Warten bis die Blutdiebe kommen.
Makro: tar Blutdiebe zum einfachen anvisieren
Erst wenn alle Blutdiebe weg sind, Ziel 1 runterkloppen.
Hiernach kommt ein neues Ziel "1" das einfach gekloppt wird.


Drei Spieler werden zu einem Zombie und verlieren stätig HP
Einzige Möglichkeit sich zu heilen ist die reaktive Fähigkeit an einem Spieler / Pet / Kleriker Signal zu benutzen.

Phase zwei folgt sobald Ziel 1 das zeitlich gesegnet hat


Komplette Gruppe läuft zum rechten Rand des Raumes
Kain spawnt und wird von den Tanks in die Mitte gezogen
Gruppe zieht hinterher und wartet mit dem Schaden
Ordentlich positionieren / Pfeil folgen
Die Kampfarena wir nun von Zombies abgegrenzt die sich immer näher zur Mitte bewegen.
Die Zombies teilen hohen Schaden aus sobald diese in Nähe der Spieler kommen


Beschwört 3 Blutdiebe
während dessen wird eingehender AoE Schaden auf die Gruppe verteilt
einzeln mit ST Dmg kloppen – ausgehender AoE Dmg wird stark reduziert
Sollten die Blutdiebe nicht schnell genug umgebracht werden, Enrage

Kreuz auf dem Boden
Kain ist der Mittelpunkt von diesem Kreuz
werden kurz in „lila“ angekündigt
Alle Spieler die hiernach im gelben Kreuz stehen werden zu Zombies und erhalten die reaktive Fähigkeit


Sollte am Ende zuwenig Schaden kommen und die Zombies zu nah an der Gruppe stehen
Ziehen die Tanks in die Zombies damit die Gruppe in die Mitte vorrücken kann
Hierfür behalten die Heiler alle großen Cooldowns für die Tanks
Werden die Blutdiebe ignoriert



2x Tanks
2x ST Heal – (Schurke – Arzt / Kleriker – Läuterer)
3x GRP - (Chloro, Bewahrer, Befreier)
2x Support - (Bard oder Oracle & PyroChont)
5x sehr starke AoE (Taktiker / Champions / Schamanen)
6x ST DD (3 mit Kick)



Getankt wird rechts vom Boss, in der Mitte zwischen Schwanz und Klaue steht gekuschelt der Raid.


Nekrotische Sporen (KBM grüner Balken)
Spieler wird mit Sporen infiziert
Wird im Teamspeak angesagt: „escapppe“ raus
Sofort raus aus der Gruppe bis an das Ende des Raumes
Dort stehen bleiben bis sich die Sporen ablegen
Daraufhin wächst das AoE Feld auf ca. ½ des Raumes an
Sporen werden so nah wie möglich an andere Sporen-AoE-Felder abgelegt
1x ST Heiler kümmert sich primär um diese Spieler sekundär hilft er bei der TankHeilung.

Krankheit (KBM roter Balken)
Spieler wird vom Boss für 5 Sekunden infiziert
Wird im Teamspeak angesagt: „escapppe“ stop
Alle Aktionen abbrechen. Jeder Klick / Aktion eines Skills gibt dem ganzen Raid 6000 Schaden und füllt die Energie leiste auf
Hots, Dots & Pets dürfen bleiben
Matriarchin erreicht 100% Energie
eingehender Gruppen Schaden: 12.000 (Gruppen Heiler zünden hier die CDs)
Matriarchin: Heilung 1.1m
Entfernen aller Kristall Buffs


Zusätzliche Gegner gesellen sich zum Bosskampf dazu. Diese müssen so schnell wie möglich gekloppt werden, deswegen brauchen wir viel ausgehenden Gruppen Schaden.
Die kleinen Adds (kommen aus der Infektion (KBM Pinker Balken)) heilen die Matriarchin.
70.000 alle 2 Sekunden pro Add
„Massen Stun“ auf CD halten
Das „Kind“ muss von den Tanks sofort angetankt werden. (Kommt nach 15 Sekunden danach pro Minute)
Beim ableben des Kindes werden blaue Kristalle fallen gelassen.
Die blauen Kristalle werden von den besten DDs aufgehoben.
Die Kristalle geben 15% DMG Buff und stacken bis zu 5mal.
Sobald die Matriarchin 100% Eneergie erreicht hat, werden die Stacks entfernt.

Goloch das riesen Baby


3x Tanks
1x ST Heal – (Schurke –Arzt / Kleriker –Schildwache) muss zwischen Tanks wechseln
4x GRP - Chloro, Bewahrer, Befreier
2x Support - Bard oder Oracle & PyroChont
11x DDs (SingleTarget) !!! Purge !!!

Position und Mechanik:

Ganze Gruppe kuschelt direkt hinterm Boss
Der Barde stellst sich ausserhalb vom Raid
Vorne tanken alle drei Krieger und wechseln sich in festgelegter Reihenfolge ab
ST Healer muss zwischen den Tanks wechseln


Cast auf 3 Spieler der gedispellt werden muss
8 Stacks die sofort gepurged werden müssen

Lila Bubbles
Ganzer Raum wird mit lila Bubbles zugepflastert
So gut wie möglich ausweichen ohne weit weg vom Boss zu geraten

Glimpse of Morality
Barde wird gestunt und ein gelbes kreisrundes Feld erscheint
Gruppe 4 läuft dort hinein und danach direkt wieder hintern Boss.

Ein Spieler holt aus dem Tor links den Geist direkt zur Gruppe
Der Geist erhöht den Schaden. Alle Boosts werden hier gefeuert.

Baneful Smash (die Pizza)
Nach einiger Zeit wird ein AoE Feld den ganzen Raum bedecken.
Dieses Feld ist optisch wie eine in vier Teile geteilte Pizza in der zwei Felder rot sind. Dort raus.
Die Felder können gegenüber aber auch nebeneinander liegen
Zudem liegt dauerhaft ein kreisförmiges AoE Feld um Goloch
Die Position der Felder ändert sich dreimal
Hiernach alles von vorn

Achievement Guide

Also Raid Compositions vary here because there's a lot of tactics changing for different Achievements which you can't do too easily together. If you're doing Rapid Assault ignore all of this and just nuke it; faceroll is an ideal tactic. But you probably should read the Regulos guide if you've never done that fight.

Progenitor Saetos

I try to consider HM and Disconnect Four for separate encounters because people have a common tendency not to do both together correctly.

Disconnect Four Raid Composition:

4 Tanks (Anything works if they don't suck.)

3 Healers (Liberator, Purifier and Chloromancer. Because people will stand in AoE as movement during this fight is severely limited.)

1 Bard/Oracle (Preferably Oracle.)

1 Archon (Preferably Harbchon.)

1 Beastmaster (To purge all the stacks off everything.)

10 Single-Target DPS (Melee or Ranged works, just don't suck at it.)

Tank Mechanics: Tank them right where they are, don't allow them to move. Meaning don't taunt before you're practically standing in front of them. Riftstalkers have the edge of just porting there.

Kill Order: Ebassi > Rhu'Megar > Arebus > Juntun +Progenitor Saetos

The reason Juntun is last is so that Defile a Complaint is like 10x easier, it affects nothing now so quit whining about how you're not used to it.

Basically nuke them in the order they are marked, nuke Arebus if his shield comes up, Juntun and Progenitor Saetos need to be balanced and killed together. Try to avoid AoE but I guess it is slightly difficult in the tight space you have.

Also note that Juntun + Saetos can be kept together since it's only the spawn that heal each other so Saetos doesn't count.

HM Progenitor Saetos

Raid Composition:

2 Tanks (Who don't suck.)

3 Healers (Liberator, Purifier and Chloromancer. AoE is still gonna be a problem, you know it.)

1 Bard/Oracle (Preferably Oracle.)

1 Archon (Preferably Harbchon.)

1 Beastmaster (Again, for purging.)

12 Single-Target DPS (Preferably Ranged, lots of shields to take care of, but Melee is fine if you aren't bad.)

Tank Mechanics: The usual, one holds all the adds, one holds the active add and stands away from the other Tank.

Kill Order: Arebus > Ebassi > Rhu'Megar > Juntun > Progenitor Saetos

Arebus triggers HM and Juntun is still the last one to make Defile a Complaint work and it seriously makes no difference.

Basically since killing Arebus first triggers HM you now have all the adds getting shields, in some kind of order I never felt like working out. Just switch to the shield that gets called out or use KBM and watch for Ebon Eruption and which add it is on. It is really easy.

HM Kain + Additional

Can do all the achievements here very very easily if people pay attention.

Raid Composition:

2 Tanks (Anything works.)

2 Healers (1 Liberator and 1 Purifier.)

1 Bard/Oracle (Preferably Oracle.)

1 Archon (Preferably Harbchon.)

14 AoE DPS (Ranged or Melee, either works. AoE no longer wipes the raid here.)

Tank Mechanics: One Tank grabs a Deathbound Reaper + active Mini Boss, other Tank picks up the other Reaper + All Deathbound Husks + any Deathbound Bonegrinder that spawns. Also need to interrupt Reapers or they deal 240k damage to the entire raid which is not so good at all.

Phase 1: Basically nuke Zathral Ashtongue immediately, nuke the Idol of the Fallen then one Tank takes Baziel + one Reaper and goes really far away and takes the Purifier with him to get shields and heals while the rest of the raid nukes down Husks and Bonegrinders until 5 Bonegrinders are dead. Oh ya and you'll end up nuking the second Reaper too but that isn't relevant, saves the Tank the effort of interrupting, the reason the first Tank also has a Reaper is because sometimes the DPS sucks so both Reapers don't die fast enough and the Tank is gonna be bored with just Baziel who does nothing.

Phase 2: This is almost entirely reliant on DPS since target swapping tends to never work out. NUKE KAIN AND IGNORE BLOOD THIEVES! You're done. If you want the Personal Achievement just stack on the boss, it transforms you all the time because he has a red cross on him that causes you to transform. You can also interrupt the reactive cast midway by using an ability and it will still count, but you will pretty much fit 4 casts per transformation so two transformations works.

Matriarch of Pestilence

Raid Composition

3 Tanks (Who don't suck. If you're skipping Wayward Sons you can just use 2 Tanks.)

2 Healers (1 Liberator and 1 Purifier. No cleansing allowed.)

1 Bard/Oracle (Preferably Oracle.)

1 Archon (Preferably Harbchon.)

13-14 Single-Target DPS (Melee or Ranged, either will work.)

Tank Mechanics: Interrupt Wave of Decay and swap at 4 stacks of whatever that is which is making you lose health. Also the interrupt is really quick, watch out. The third Tank should be at the side or back of the room and picking up Childes of Matriarch because they do hurt quite a bit and you need 4 of them up.

If you are not doing Wayward Sons just nuke and ignore all mechanics besides Tank ones.

For Used Tactics I heavily suggest everyone tries to interrupt Wave of Decay because it is quite fast and the Tanks may not be so great with it.

Necrotic Spores means you run to the back of the room, Healers should never cleanse this or it drops where the player is standing as it would if the debuff expired. Unholy Disease however can be ignored as it does mostly no damage now.

Phase 1 (100%-50%): Nuke the boss but stop DPS at 60% till 3 Childes of Matriarch are up, then continue nuking. By the time it's dead you should probably have 4 up unless you're doing like 1 million raid DPS which is unlikely.

Phase 2 (50%-0%): This fight has an enrage timer starting from 50%, she will gain stacks that increase her damage. Oh and more adds spawn. Just nuke the boss and ignore the adds pretty much while also handling interrupts all the way. You're done.

Dread Lord Goloch

Raid Composition:

2 Tanks (Who don't suck.)

2 Healers (1 Liberator and 1 Purifier.)

1 Bard/Oracle (Preferably Oracle.)

1 Archon (Preferably Harbchon.)

14 Single-Target DPS (Doesn't matter if Melee or Ranged but one person will have to be Ranged.)

Tank Mechanics: Swap at 6 stacks, don't lose aggro.

Basically assign one player who will stand at Ranged and two players who will each grab a Grateful Apparition by activating Death's Door which will then grant everyone a DPS boost. Aside that just nuke the boss and stack VERY tightly on his butt. When the Ranged player is stunned, everyone in their group should run to that player immediately or the raid will wipe. Also purge End of Days because it kind of hurts if you have a full 8 stacks when it expires.

That covers your 4/5, you should get at least 8/13 or 9/13 and some variations in HMs depending on your choices and whether you handled all of that correctly or not.


So basically this is a guide provided for bad pugs who feel like trying to do hard achieves at Regulos, this guide covers everything that you need to care about at LV65 and what you need to care about for the achievements.

This guide is written assuming you've learnt how to:

- Stack on an arrow.

- Be a Healer and cleanse everything you see.

- Turn around.

- Be a Tank and hold aggro.

- Differentiate bad colours and good colours.

- Not die.

Important Notes for the Entire Fight:

- Going behind him is bad, it drains your Energy and Mana.

- Falling off the platform(s) or into Regulos' belly will cause you to die.

- Pretty much all Regulos mechanics can be avoided by staying with the arrow, Tanks use your common sense.

- Melee is viable but don't use lunges or teleports on Regulos or you might fall into his belly and die or at least get Heart of Death to fail an achievement.

Raid Composition:

3 Tanks (Preferably Cleric but anything works if they can see red.)

3 Healers (Purifier, Liberator and a Chloro would be nice.)

1 Bard/Oracle (Preferably Oracle because it's better.)

1 Archon (Preferably Harbchon.)

12 DPS (Ranged preferably but Melee is viable I guess if you're not retarded.)

Why are we using 3 Healers? Because Sicaron needs two cleanses, one side has 2 Healers and one side has 1 Healer + 1 Bard/Oracle to handle that.

Tank Mechanics: Dodge Vanquish the Weak and swap at 4 stacks (Of whatever debuff that is, don't remember the name.). This Tank Swap is unique in that it involves 3 Tanks, 2 will receive stacks simultaneously (The closest to the boss) while the third stands at Ranged till it's time to taunt. E.g. Tank A + B have 4 stacks, Tank C then taunts and Tank A goes to Ranged. By the time Tank A drops stacks, they need to taunt and Tank B moves to Ranged. Work it round in a cycle like this, it's a lot simpler now since boss phases end sooner.

Want a dumbed down version of this fight? Don't stand in red; interrupt anything except Cursed Blows; reflect Abhorrent Grudge, cleanse anything you see; nuke Eyes of Extermination; go to the correct portals and if you're doing Shambling then kite it walking backwards.

Heart of Death: Persists the entire fight, fall in his belly and you gain this which means you failed an achievement. I think it's supposed to do damage, but I'm not really sure.

Portal Groups:

Phase 1: Group 1 + 2 to Molinar (Left Portal, 3 + 4 to Sicaron (Right Portal), one person to Shambling (Middle Portal). When your portal is done go to Kosic, but let the Tank get there first.

Phase 2: Group 3 + 4 to Molinar, 1 + 2 to Sicaron, one person to Shambling. Again go to Kosic when your portal is done, but allow the Tank to get there first.

Phase 1 (100%-70%):

Vanquish the Weak: Just like Laethys' Golden Subjugation, you stand in the red you die. Don't stand in the red, you only lose 30% of your health (Okay so maybe Laethys lost you 70% but that's besides the point.). If you know how to follow an arrow this should be fine, if you're a non-Cleric Tank you should be able to see red. Bad graphics may cause you not to see the red (I pretty much can't myself.) in which case you shouldn't be Tanking at all.

Crash of Souls: Don't try dodging or you will just get the debuff for going behind the boss, as long as you're stacked it does only 16k or so.

Impending Doom: Cleanse because not getting killed feels quite good.

Eyes of Extermination: Eyes will spawn, I would personally suggest nuking the boss down to 70% and dealing with the eyes after your Mini Boss is dead, since the Fel Glare damage they deal is now useless and Shambling Horror group takes more than enough time for the others to nuke the Eyes.

Group 1 + 2 then 3 + 4: Dark Thane Molinar (Portal on the Left):

Horrifying Barrier: Cast at the very beginning of the fight, kill the two adds, first Defiler then Shieldbearer, then focus on boss.

Frightening Shout: Interrupt or face the wrath of being silenced.

Runes of Pain: Turn around or fail the achievement and take 30k damage. This applies to the Tank as well.

Cursed Blows: Don't interrupt this, it means Runes of Pain takes longer to cast and you might just nuke through before it casts.

Group 3 + 4 then 1 + 2: Sicaron (Portal on the Right): Tank keeps it facing away from the raid.

Unholy Contract: DPS boost while circle is blue, when it turns red run to the edge or group dies from red. If you get one when the boss dies then drop it BEFORE you go into the portal.

Excruciating Hex: Cleanse immediately.

One person each time: Shambling Horror (Middle Portal):

Spinal Wound: NEVER turn your back to it, the tactic to kill him is to pew pew while kiting it through plants, but make sure to kite while walking backwards or this ability will fail the achievement. There should really only be one person per Portal Phase for this one.

All of Raid: Hierarch Kosic (Entrance Bridge): Ignore the adds, focus on the boss. Nobody should be here until their portal is finished.

Accursed Volley: Interrupt this.

Abhorrent Grudge: Reflect this.

Phase 3 (70%-25%):

Spines of Death: Nuke the spines or Regulos takes like no damage. These tend to not spawn if your raid DPS is sort of not bad.Unholy Dominion: HEAL THAT PLAYER LIKE MAD OR THE RAID WILL WIPE.

Phase 4: Second Mini Boss Phase switch to different ones as listed above, ALL TACTICS MUST STILL BE FOLLOWED.

Phase 5 (35%-0%): Well, technically it's Phase 4.5 up till 20% but the same rule still applies, you more or less just nuke it till it's dead. Just don't do anything stupid.

The Guide pretty much covers "What Do We Say to the God of Death?", if you're doing only Never Say Die then ignore all the Mini Boss casts except cleanses, the rest is not so important.

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  Verfasst: Fr 10. Jun 2016, 21:15 

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